1/72 Great Lakes XSG-1 Unorthodox biplane

1/72 Great Lakes XSG-1 Unorthodox biplane

CHF 73.95


Anigrand Craftswork - 1/72 Great Lakes XSG-1 Unorthodox biplane to replace the O2U Corsair.
In early 1930 s, the U.S. Navy issued requirement for a small scout amphibian as a replacement of the conventional floatplanes. Three companies, Great Lakes, Loening and Sikorsky received contacts from BuAer under a specification calling for a single-engine amphibian stressed for catapult launches and with wing floated, small enough to fit into the hanger space aboard Navy cruisers. In 1932, Great Lakes submitted a design present a unorthodox biplane configuration with a single large pontoon mounted below the lower wing. A single built prototype, designated the XSG-1, was delivered to Naval Air Station Anacostia for trials in 1933. Development quickly ended when trials revealed that the aircraft was incapable of reaching the speeds required by the Navy, further development was cancelled.