1/48 Archeo Lask Collection: decals for 12 different aircrafts

1/48 Archeo Lask Collection: decals for 12 different aircrafts

  • Etat du stock:Disponible en 2-4 semaines
  • Code produit:MOMD48088
  • Marque:Model Maker
CHF 15.85


Model Maker - 1/48 Archeo Lask Collection. Archeo Lask Collection. 12 planes and helicopters from 32 Air Tactical Base Poland. A group of soldiers, modelers and aviation enthusiasts who are restoring aircraft once used in the Polish Air Force. The organization is non-profit and all the work is done outside of working hours. The collection currently includes twelve aircraft and helicopters and is located on the premises, and each one has its own unique stories. Many of them in his brilliant years served at the airport in Lask. The idea for this decals created on the fifth edition of the Lask Model Show. when it turned out that the number of models aspiring to the awards for the best model in the colors of the collection is low due to the lack of just a decal for these planes and helicopters. I suggested to solve this problem with set for the whole collection, what has been very favorably received by the Group.
From this place, I would like to thank all the members of the groups involved Archeo
to help where I would like to personally thank Darek Jakubczak, who became some kind of coordinator of this project. The same thanks belong to the president of the association Archeo , Piotr Polit. Due to the very large volume of material we had to compromise approaches to the chessboards and those that are unified on the size of several aircraft in a set put only once.