1/48 Scale Turkish Hawker Hurricanes

1/48 Scale Turkish Hawker Hurricanes

  • Stato dello stock:Disponibile in 2-4 settimane
  • Modello:THD48006
  • Marca:Tigerhead Decals
CHF 20.60


Tigerhead Decals - 1/48 Scale Turkish Hawker Hurricanes (Hurricanes over Anatolia) Hurricanes have started being used in the Turkish Air Force starting from 1939. During this period, a total of 164 of these aircrafts including the Mk.I, Mk.IIb and Mk.IIc/R models were put in service.They were taken out of the inventory of the Air Force in 1947 with the entry in service of the P-47D Thunderbolts. Our sticker set allows you to make two Mk.I (2710 and 2705), one Mk.IIb(2225) and one Mk.IIc (HV608).