1/32 WWI German Naval Hex Printed Linen

1/32 WWI German Naval Hex Printed Linen

  • Stato dello stock:Disponibile in 2-4 settimane
  • Modello:ATT32049
  • Marca:Aviattic
CHF 24.40


Aviattic - 1/32 WWI German Naval Hex Printed Linen (Clear Decal Paper)
Following the official 1916 directive for German naval aircraft - three hexagons of grey blue, grey brown, grey violet - we have achieved a balance of those three colours resulting in a satisfyingly English Channel palette for both painted and later printed linen effects.
For early pre-1917 machines use painted, for later use all printed linen (use a cream undercoat for solid surfaces) or possibly linen flying surfaces and painted plywood.
Both combinations give that 2 tone effect often seen in photos...